Oblivion dark brotherhood mansion quest
Oblivion dark brotherhood mansion quest

oblivion dark brotherhood mansion quest

However, there are some parts that I definitely missed, including some on this list. I plundered every dungeon I could, and became fat from the profits. I stole from the high and the low of society. I joined the Dark Brotherhood after attacking a man for no reason other than I wanted his sword. Instead, they were lovingly crafted, as with almost every Elder Scrolls game, I let the main quest go hang while I ran off in the world doing mad stuff. It had quests that never felt like you were just going from A to B. The graphics have aged, but they're still gorgeous, and exploring the sun-dappled meadows, or the seedy underbelly of Bruma is still exceptionally immersive. It made a world that you actually kind of wanted to live in.

oblivion dark brotherhood mansion quest oblivion dark brotherhood mansion quest

The game created an immersive world like none of the other games in the franchise have been able to. What it is I find hard to put my finger on, but I've got a couple hundred words here to try. While it may not have the weird edge of Morrowind, or the more impressive graphics and better voice acting of Skyrim, it has something else. Oh, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, what words should I use to describe thee? As I've mentioned before, this game is my favorite of the Elder Scrolls franchise by a long way.

Oblivion dark brotherhood mansion quest